Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Proving Kansas Isn't Flat

The picture to the right was taken on my camera phone after I turned the wrong way today and ended up in a beautiful hilly farmland area not far from where I live. Who knew Kansas wasn't flat and brown?

In other news, I FINALLY registered my car today. I say finally because I really began this process at the beginning of last week when I got in my car and drove to the VIN inspection department and they told me that I couldn't even get inspected, much less registered, without my title. Problem: I don't have the title to my car - I still owe a bit more money on it (side note - I will actually own my baby in October for a mere ~$1000 more!). So I called Toyota, who told me I had to fax them something directly from the state of Kansas. So I faxed them instructions from the state of Kansas which dictated that Toyota should FAX the title directly to them. Toyota then mailed the title to me via snail mail. Gotta love the system!

Anyway, title in hand today, I went to get inspected, got all turned around in farm country, and made it to the DMV to pay my property taxes, registration and to arrange for my call sign plates. A few weeks more and the Kansas call sign plates will be mine - and they were only $1.50! WHEW!

Must commence to knitting...



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