Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Repeat after me...

"This donut has NO nutritional value."

That's what Wes taught his 7 year old niece to say over Christmas. Not that she knew "what a nutrition is."

Well after two days of false starts, I finally started working out today. Twenty minutes on the treadmill boosting my heart rate. I skipped the weights as I already had to purchase and lift (multiple times) 2 metric tons of soda, water and ice today.

Of course then I killed all the calories I burned by eating a bagel. Do you know how many calories those things have? Food like that should be marked DANGEROUS.

This recent health kick brought to you by the influence of Supersize Me, the most disturbingly disgusting movie I have ever seen.


A coworker adds: "Isn't a nutrition a new type of particle? If so wouldn't a microwave be a nutrition accelerator?" He won't comment himself so I'm going to call him WineGuy from here on out.


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