Tuesday, May 31, 2005

"Cross Check"

Do you ever wonder what they mean in the airplane when they say "cross check"?

Appropriate given that I went to LAX bright and early this morning to drop Wes off. So ends vacation. Wes and I enjoyed a great week/weekend and had a lot of opportunity to discuss how we envision our future. I think, despite separation, we're both happier now and we had a bonus week to enjoy each other's company.

Now it's back to homework and work, and the rest of the summer schedule. With the boss leaving and things all aflutter at work, it should be an interesting time. School seems to be a bit lighter, which should be nice.

Otherwise I plan to finish some knitting projects, start some new ones, read! (just picked up Jean Auel's The Plains of Passage and a new translation of La Morte d'Arthur - ban me from book stores!), and watch a bunch more movies.

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