Friday, November 09, 2007

The ONLY thing Bush ever did for me.

And half of California had to burn for it.

Please be advised that as a result of President George W Bush's declaration of Southern California as a Federal Disaster Zone (due to the occurrence of the worst fires in the state's history), CDMRP has delayed the proposal receipt deadline in for the following 6 mechanisms to Monday, November 26, 2007, at 11:59 PM Eastern Time.

So my week ended a little more relaxed. I got the program to the printer, the DVDs are almost ready to copy and I'm just about ready for the review next week.

I'm working at the yarn store tomorrow, watching a movie with my sweetie and being TOTALLY LAZY on Sunday (other than cleaning in preparation for vacation and Wes's Thanksgiving arrival). More knitting pictures and news towards the end of the weekend. Enjoy it!

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