Tuesday, September 11, 2007

9/11 Remembered

Every year on this day I'm not sure what to write. I don't want to let it go by without acknowledging it, and simply posting funny articles doesn't feel right.

I will never forget that morning. The phone ringing so early. My co-worker's voice in my ear demanding that I turn on the TV. Sleepily watching the TV and thinking that what I was looking at couldn't possibly be real. The way we were all shell-shocked and glued to the television for a few days. The way the world became a closer-knit, nicer place for a few days: people said hi in the street, and we all comforted each other.

I wish I could say that where we are today (the state of the world, the Iraq situation) honors those who died on 9/11 and those who put themselves at risk to rescue people in need. All I do know is that today is a day where WE can honor those people and never forget.



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