Thursday, July 27, 2006

The Weight of the World.

Originally uploaded by littledevilworks.
Last night was a somber evening. Despite Wes' arrival (and I'm so glad he's here!), I spent most of the evening in class, where we engaged in a discussion of politics and worldwide current events, most notably the conflict in the middle East, the price of oil and the ramifcations for world economy, culture and military involvement. I came home and continued the discussion with Wes as well.

For the most part, I'm not a globally conscious person. I say this full well knowing that I am part of the somewhat apathetic generation of Americans. I confess I don't vote in all the elections. I don't vote for my city officials, I don't know what propositions are up for vote. Honestly, the last time I voted was probably the last Presidential election and I was so disgusted with the outcome it hardly made it worth it.

On the other hand, I pore over Yahoo and Google news daily. I watch the 11pm news almost every night.

I don't confess to understand the Middle East conflicts. I understand that at base it's about poverty stricken individuals who have been put down and kept down for generations. It's about self determinism and self survival and anger at being able to accomplish neither of the two. It's about an intricate and complex web of oil and money and religion and people in power. And there is no end in sight.

Last night we talked about what it will take to end the current Israeli-Lebanese-Hezbollah conflict. We talked about how this would affect American economy - rising gas prices, fewer luxury expenses, a slowing housing market, potential inflation. We discussed how the US economy faltering would affect the Chinese economy, so inextricably linked with ours. How our reducing our dependence on foreign "black gold" would help us, but also damage the already poor regions of the Middle East. About how there is no easy solution, about how this is like lighting a match and starting a world fire, a war, that we won't escape from unscathed. And that this weight is on our shoulders. My generation. The future ones that will have the biggest impact and be the most impacted by the next 10-15 years.

And it makes me sad. And hopeless. And cautiously hopeful that my classmates (who are among the smartest people I know) and I will have a chance to make a difference.


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