Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Valentine's Day...Can I go back to bed now?

Originally uploaded by littledevilworks.
I hardly know where to begin.

For starters, I'd really like to go back to bed. I'm a bit bleary eyed because I graded 35 papers last night and was up until 2am doing it. BLECH.

Then of course it's good old V-day. Many of you have heard my diatribe before, but here it goes.

If you don't have anyone, V-day sucks because it's a reminder you're alone.

If you are in a new relationship, V-day sucks because there's gift anxiety - how big, how small, will he/she like it, what does the gift say about where I want the relationship to go?

If you are in a comfortable long term relationship, why should V-day be different than any other day, just because Hallmark wants to make a mint?

That said, I love my sweetie and I'm SO glad he's my Valentine and will be forever. Wanna take a nap now honey?


Blogger Surreal Weasel said...

More than anything.

1:33 PM  

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