Monday, February 13, 2006

A PR Mishap...ok a PR Nightmare

US media fires both barrels at Cheney hunting mishap

WASHINGTON (AFP) - Some US newspapers took potshots at US Vice President Dick Cheney over a weekend hunting accident in which he shot a 78-year-old Texas lawyer while stalking quail.

The incident made the Monday front pages of The Washington Post, The New York Times, USA Today and The Wall Street Journal, most of which noted soberly that Cheney's office had not gone public with the information when it happened.

The New York City tabloid press, on the other hand, went after the vice president with both barrels.

The New York Post headlined its story "Big Shot" and mocked the "Blunder-buss" that sent Harry Whittington to the hospital, while the New York Daily News warned "Duck, It's Dick."

Time Magazine opened a profile of Whittington with the tongue-in-cheek observation that "Accidentally shooting a lawyer is never a good idea, especially one who's known for being something of a pistol himself."


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