Wednesday, December 14, 2005

A Musical Interlude

Stille Nacht Kapelle
Originally uploaded by littledevilworks.
I take a brief semi-break from Christmas music to discuss the concert, which ROCKED.

Not only was BNL's performance amazing, they included a children's chorus for the first few songs, and sang a variety of Christmas tunes including Steven Page's tour de force performance of Silent Night, and a great new version of God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen (sans Sarah McLachlan because she couldn't make it).

They also performed two of my favorite songs of all time: The Old Apartment and Break Your Heart.

P.S. Extra credit to those who recognize the picture. It is of the Stille Nacht Kapelle, or literally the Silent Night Chapel in Oberndorf, Austria. This tiny chapel is the memorial site for the old favorite which was first heard nearby in 1818. This photo isn't mine (thanks Google!) but I have been there!


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