Sunday, November 06, 2005

Crazy search terms.

Ever since I've implemented the Sitemeter I've been able to gain some insight into from where my traffic is coming. I've also gotten a bit of info on how these people find me. So in a nod to Mr. Rude Cactus himself, I now give you the best search terms with which to find Little Devil Works.

* RAV 4 piece of shit - Well I don't know whose panties are in a bunch, but I love my RAV 4. I like to call him Zippy!

* Mail Sex Firmness - Hmmm.. I didn't know mail either had sex or was firm. Gives a whole new meaning to going postal doesn't it?

* Biker Mama AND Stories - Where's my leather crop?

* Old Folks Sex - This is ripe for the Don't Ask, Don't Tell. I'm glad that old people have sex, but I don't wanna think about it.

* Wheezy - Is this what happens when old folks have sex?

* Do Bumper Stickers Need Trademark - Cave man need fire. Me need sleep. Bumper stickers need trademark. Get a lawyer.

* Chocolate Devil Creative Strategy - All these words are things I like, and do, and eat, and enjoy. Whoever grouped them together must know me.

* Darwin to Einstein Management - Hey, they're the greats. I don't know how they led to me though. :)


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