A lovely weekend.

This weekend was busy, but truly lovely. I came home on Friday night to relax, knit and watch Tin Man. I only got through the first two parts, but it was an interesting take on the tale. I'm still not sure how I feel about how it has spun Oz on it's head, and the second part seems to diverge greatly from any story I've ever known, but it was interesting. I'm probably going to watch the third part Monday night.
Saturday dawned with lots of things to do. First I met my mom at the bridal salon to try on my dress and then place the order! I'm super excited to have it ordered and it should come in 3-4 months! After that I ran a few errands and headed over to the LYS to sit and knit for a while. It had been a few weeks since I had been there, and I was definitely ready. I started a top-down cardigan with some wool my parents brought me from New Zealand. I'll finish that up over Christmas. Saturday night Wes and I had our movie date and watched the remake of The Stepford Wives. It was very different from the original, but I wouldn't say it was great. However, Wes and I were so glad that he had power back and that we could Skype that it was just fine!

Today I did some laundry and headed down to the parents for a belated Chanukah celebration. On the way, I stopped a spa to get a few women's beauty treatments. No sooner had I settled into a room than a knock came on the door. Without giving away too much information, I was in no condition for the door to be opened. Whoever was on the other side asked if I owned a silver RAV4. My heart sank...a lot. "Someone has just hit your car. I'm sorry!" came the reply. So we quickly finished up and I got dressed and headed out to check the damage. All I was thinking was "I hope it's drivable" and "thank goodness it wasn't my fault!" So I go outside and brace myself... and it wasn't my car! It was someone else's RAV4. I feel very bad for whoever else that was, but thank goodness it wasn't mine.
Tonight I had Chanukah dinner with my parents, aunt and uncle and cousin. Chanukah is technically over, but since we were in Kansas last weekend, we did a little dinner and gift exchange tonight. I think my family finally got the hint that I'm a little obsessed with yarn. My aunt gave me three beautiful skeins of Noro Yarn, and a gift card. My mom gave me the Stitch 'n Bitch pattern a day calendar. I'm super excited about the yarn and the calendar, and I've already got plans for the gift card too - I'm going to get a crock pot to make warm stews and soups for the cold days in Kansas. I can't wait!
Tonight I came home to finish watching some DVDs (Bones, Season 2) and to finish the first cabled glove. I'm so excited that the first one's done and that it looks so good. Just 4 more fingers to go on the other one and then they're ready! Just in time for the holidays. I'm also whipping up a few last minute gifts and reveling in some new fibers. This is the last week of work, and on Friday I head out to Kansas. I can't believe the holidays are here and it's almost the new year.
Hope you all had a great weekend! More news as it's fit to print.
P.S. Look what photo I finally got!

Labels: Family, Here Comes the Bride, Knitting Content Ahead, Let's All Go to the Movies, Off the Needles, Weekend Update
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