Holy Size 35 Needles Batman

Another day...another project. This is a cute little ribbon yarn purse pattern that the store got in recently. The herringbone pattern is super easy, the ribbon colorways are beautiful, and the entire thing didn't take too long to put together.
The problem? The SIZE 35 NEEDLES this sucker requires for construction of the herringbone pattern purse sides.
In the Yarn Harlot's book Yarn Harlot: The Secret Life of a Knitter Stephanie devotes a chapter to knitters with a capital K. These are people who love intricate knitting, learning new techniques and consistently honing their craft. She notes that there is nothing wrong with knitting with a lower case k, it just indicates a different level of commitment to and passion about knitting. Knitters with a K savor new techniques and new fibers on tiny little needles, knitters with a k enjoy constructing beautiful scarves with novelty yarns.
These size 35 needles are for knitters with a k. I aspire to be a knitter with a K. You see the problem? These size 35's are a dangerous addition to my collection. (Well as dangerous as a needle the thickness of my wrist can be. As a 2x4 over the head maybe, as a sharp point, definitely not.)
Labels: Funny, Off the Needles
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