Monday, January 29, 2007

On the occasion of receiving my seventh invitation to the work Superbowl party...

I don't like football. I'm gung ho when USC is playing. I'm so-so at the Superbowl. I'd rather go to my favorite knitting store and celebrate Anti-Superbowl Knitting Sunday.

So when the invitation first went around the office, advertising liquor and a big screen tv, I abstained. Then the emails came a little more frequently.

Today we found out why. The company wants to get a liquor license to be able to serve liquor but they need a minimum of 25 people.

The Catch-22?

If they don't have enough people they can't serve liquor. If they can't serve liquor they definitely won't have any people.

HAHA. I'm glad I'm a sports agnostic.



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