The Makings of a Great Weekend

As far as I'm concerned, this weekend is already off to a great start. It's still Friday (barely) and I've already delved into a new book, A Thousand Days in Tuscany, and knitted on several of the projects I have going. Tomorrow is working at the knitting store, knitting, and a movie date with my sweetie. Sunday is Bond: Casino Royale with friends, and then assorted chores, more knitting and more dvds. Since classes are over now, there's no homework. (Just avoidance of the report due Friday and the final set for Thursday.)
So I'll leave you to enjoy your weekend, but not without a little humor first.
In my homage to Chris, here's how people have found me recently:
* Turkey testicles - since my diatribe (found here) I would say this phrase counts for at least 40% of the random hits I get. I knew America was into sex, but really poultry sex is just fowl.
* Victoria's Secret Free Panty Mailer - I attribute this to my fiance's continuing devotion to showering me with free panty coupons. I'm now known as the "panty queen" around the office.
* Naked in Singapore - Odd. I've been to Singapore and I've been naked in Singapore, but I'm fairly sure I didn't share that fact here.
* What to do with a dead cat powerpoint - If you need a PowerPoint to figure out what to do, you really shouldn't be entrusted with pets. Either that or you shouldn't have killed the damn cat in the first place.
* Responsibilities of extremophile excavators - I admit this one stumped me. What the hell is an extremophile? A quick check of Wikipedia reveals "An extremophile is an organism, usually unicellular, which thrives in or requires 'extreme' conditions that would exceed optimal conditions for growth and reproduction in the majority of mesophilic terrestrial organisms." Ahhh I see now. *smiles and nods*
* Doctor suggests the silly woman put this in the coconut for her bellyache - It's the LIME DAMMIT. You put the LIME in the coconut, and you drink it all up.
* Why does soda foam violently when mentos is added? - I believe I found the answer to this a while ago, but the video never fails to amuse. That catchy background music gets stuck in my head too.
* Persecution in the 1400's - Hmmmm fun stuff. Can't wait to see what else that turns up.
* "Rollin with the homies" - Ahhh nothin' I like better than hangin' in the hood with my pimps and hos, scorin' some bling-bling in the hizzy.
And finally:
* Hellwatch - Whoever wrote this one has clearly been to my office....I mean....erm. Oops.
Happy Weekend!
Labels: A Book is a Woman's Best Friend, Knitting Content Ahead, Weekend Update
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