California Cachin'
Since we've been back we've been mostly lazy - sleeping late, watching movies. I've become slightly domestic and even cooked dinner last night, but we had to eat out tonight because I wouldn't want to be TOO domestic two nights in a row.
We have gotten some exercise though because we've been geocaching out here. My sister pointed out that not everyone knows what I'm talking about. Our trusty friend Wikipedia can tell you more about geocaching. Of course, Wes's definition is that geocaching is the sport where "people use trillion-dollar satellite systems to troll for nickel and dime treasures."
We did a few geocaches yesterday and got stuck on one. The first clue is here in Los Angeles and the second clue is hidden in a park in Midtown Manhattan, NYC. If anyone who reads wants to find clue #2, we'd love the help! Otherwise we'll have to travel.

The second cache was located near the movie studios. The quest was entitled King Kong Gone as the site was where the King of Kings set was built and was later used for the original King Kong and Gone with the Wind. Very historic LA. We also placed a travel bug in there - a Dorothy Charm (from the Wizard of Oz) and a Wicked Witch toy. We're hoping that Dorothy can find her way home to Kansas and Wes.

Today we started out just south of LAX in the town of El Segundo where we retrieved Big Hearted Red Bear. He's a travel bug that longs to see the world, so Wes is going to take him to Kansas (I'm not sure it's the mecca of the world, but he hasn't visited that state yet, so Go Big Red!)

Our second cache of the day was located in the beautiful Kenneth Hahn Park in Los Angeles. It's amazing how I've lived here all my life, and even driven past the entrance on my way to school but never been there. It was beautiful and provided some great views of the city and even the moon! We found the cache fairly easily, though we did have to do some waiting so no one was around when we dove into the bush.
Tonight we're hanging out, possibly devising our own cache to hide here in LA, and looking forward to New Year's Eve tomorrow. Plans include hitting one more cache (we have one more bug from Kansas to place in California) and having dinner with my parents at my favorite restaurant ever.
Happy New Year all!
We have gotten some exercise though because we've been geocaching out here. My sister pointed out that not everyone knows what I'm talking about. Our trusty friend Wikipedia can tell you more about geocaching. Of course, Wes's definition is that geocaching is the sport where "people use trillion-dollar satellite systems to troll for nickel and dime treasures."
We did a few geocaches yesterday and got stuck on one. The first clue is here in Los Angeles and the second clue is hidden in a park in Midtown Manhattan, NYC. If anyone who reads wants to find clue #2, we'd love the help! Otherwise we'll have to travel.

The second cache was located near the movie studios. The quest was entitled King Kong Gone as the site was where the King of Kings set was built and was later used for the original King Kong and Gone with the Wind. Very historic LA. We also placed a travel bug in there - a Dorothy Charm (from the Wizard of Oz) and a Wicked Witch toy. We're hoping that Dorothy can find her way home to Kansas and Wes.

Today we started out just south of LAX in the town of El Segundo where we retrieved Big Hearted Red Bear. He's a travel bug that longs to see the world, so Wes is going to take him to Kansas (I'm not sure it's the mecca of the world, but he hasn't visited that state yet, so Go Big Red!)

Our second cache of the day was located in the beautiful Kenneth Hahn Park in Los Angeles. It's amazing how I've lived here all my life, and even driven past the entrance on my way to school but never been there. It was beautiful and provided some great views of the city and even the moon! We found the cache fairly easily, though we did have to do some waiting so no one was around when we dove into the bush.
Tonight we're hanging out, possibly devising our own cache to hide here in LA, and looking forward to New Year's Eve tomorrow. Plans include hitting one more cache (we have one more bug from Kansas to place in California) and having dinner with my parents at my favorite restaurant ever.
Happy New Year all!
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