Geek Office Slang

My favorites:
404: Someone who is clueless. From the Web error message, "404 Not Found," which means the document requested couldn't be located. "Don't bother asking John. He's 404."
Beepilepsy: The brief seizure people sometimes suffer when their beepers go off, especially in vibrator mode. Characterized by physical spasms, goofy facial expressions, and stopping speech in mid- sentence.
Crapplet: A badly written or profoundly useless Java applet. "I just wasted 30 minutes downloading that crapplet!"
Cube Farm: An office filled with cubicles.
Egosurfing: Scanning the Net, databases, etc., for one's own name.
It's a Feature: From the old adage, "It's not a bug, it's a feature." Used sarcastically to describe an unpleasant problem you wish to gloss over.
Ohnosecond: That minuscule fraction of time during which you realize you've just made a terrible error.
Percussive Maintenance: The fine art of whacking the crap out of an electronic device to get it to work again.
Prairie Dogging: When something loud happens in a cube farm, causing heads to pop up over the walls trying to see what's going on.
Uninstalled: Euphemism for being fired. Also: decruitment.
The full list here.
Labels: Channeling my Inner Geek, Funny
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