Monday, January 23, 2006

The Movie Reviews

Yes, I'm falling down on my movies duties. I know it. So here goes the list of the last few weeks:

Desperate Housewives, Season 1, Discs 1 & 2 - So I wanted to know what all the fuss was about. And you know? I don't get it. Sure it's decent entertainment, and funny, but I'm not sure why the world has gone gaga. And I find it HYSTERICAL that my parents banned us from watching soap operas as children, but are hooked on this, the grandmomma of all soaps.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - I have to say that I was mildly disappointed by this one. Johnny Depp was pretty good, but I think I liked Gene Wilder better.

The Usual Suspects - This is one of my favorite movies of all time, and I just watched it this weekend with Wes. I think Kevin Spacey is brilliant in this flick. Love it!

Be Cool - The sequel to Get Shorty had a few good moments, but wasn't super. I could take it or leave it.

Casanova - I saw this one in the theatre last night and I have to say it was fabulous. Heath Ledger is having a great year, and Sienna Miller was quite good. The scenery was beautiful and I really enjoyed it.


Blogger Ali said...

gene wilder version - 100%.
so much better. the songs are so much better.

and now i'm got that stinkin...willy wanka, willy wanka...the amazing in my head...

2:34 PM  

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