Friday, September 09, 2005

Fridays at the office.

Or as I like to call it, Descension into Madness.

Why is it that the short weeks feel the longest? Well it's finally Friday and the office is a madhouse. Not only is it the interns' last day with us, but the bosses are away, casual Friday has hit with a vengeance and the company-wide listserv seems to be seeing it's fair share of action.

Today's topics?
* Toaster on the 6th floor. The 5th floor kitchen has one but apparently it's too far to walk. One email actually said "Hippity-hippity hooray for Toast!!!"
* Diet Soda in the vending machines. We just acquired two large vending machines capable of offering 36 selections of tasty beverages. One has been deemed the diet machine and one the regular. Apparently even if you survey what people want, and honor their requests, no one ever buys what you put in the machines.
* Game Night. We have been invited to one person's house for game night. Encouraged to leave our rude and unacceptable attitudes at home. How.. um.. inviting.

It's a mad mad mad mad world!


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