Friday, April 01, 2005

Who closes an erotic festival for lack of interest?

Apparently those recalcitrant English men aren't any fun any more. I guess if Prince Charles is any indiciation...

TGIF! This weekend promises to be fun and lots of work. Tonight and tomorrow I host Bride #2 (chronologically speaking) for a night of fun and then off to the bridal shower we go. Then Sunday is studyaholics anonymous day for Finance midterm on Monday. Also get to pick up the 1880's ball gown - just need to add the trim and then I'm ready for the big day. Presents, bought, wrapped, stowed. Camera ready to roll. I think I'm set! Now if only I could find my's rolling around here somewhere. I think it might have fallen out last night when I was banging my head against the wall and rolled under the couch somewhere.

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