Monday, July 23, 2007

Oh no.

Roman Catholic Cardinal Supports Merger of XM and Sirius

Lord knows that XM Satellite Radio and Sirius Satellite Radio need all the help they can get to convince the federal government their proposed merger isn't anti-consumer and anti-competitive. But help from a representative of the Almighty?

Both XM and Sirius together have announced that His Eminence Edward Cardinal Egan, the Roman Catholic Archbishop of New York, supports the planned merger. In an opinion piece published in the New York Post, Cardinal Egan said the Catholic Channel and Sirius Satellite Radio "present a unique opportunity for the Church to speak with people -- Catholic and non-Catholic alike. I would urge all those who are considering the merger between Sirius and XM to see to it that this dialogue of faith can continue."

Now I could be wrong, but the Cardinal really has nothing to do with whether this merger goes through. Add to that, I could really care less whether the Church approves what radio looks like in the U.S. And this is the important news that the Cardinal feels compelled to write an Op Ed piece about? What about world hunger and poverty, genocide and wars?



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