Day 2 of 3

Well ok, I'm actually posting on day 3 of 3, but I haven't slept yet, so as Wes and I would say, it's not a new day yet!
Today was another great weekend day - oh how I live for those days I don't have to work!
I slept in a bit this morning, got up around 11 and watched some TV while knitting on Wes' second first sock. Around 1pm I went to meet up with friends to see Pan's Labyrinth. It was incredibly violent, but also incredibly enchanting. A huge contrast between the fantasy world of one little girl and the harsh realities of World War II. Not at all what I expected, but I was really glad I saw it.
I came home after that, noshed on some yummy leftovers, finished Wes' sock and watched a movie with him. We saw The Girl Next Door. This wasn't what I expected either, and I have to say I was pleasantly surprised. It was a little teeny-bopper, but the plot took some interesting turns, and I really enjoyed it.
Then tonight I worked on the twisty tank.... this is a lousy picture and should just serve as a sneak preview. I'm going to finish up the straps tomorrow and then block it and get some better photos. Also up, some more felting projects, Wes' first second sock and another dvd.
One more day left and I'm going to make the most of it!
Labels: Knitting Content Ahead, Let's All Go to the Movies, Weekend Update
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