Three Day Weekend - Day 1

Today was a really nice day. I slept in until noon and then headed over to the yarn store to spend some time knitting and just hanging out. I got some work in on the tank top that I'm doing.
Then I met my parents for dinner and a movie. We saw Little Children starring Kate Winslet. At its core it was a movie about people who were unhappy in their lives, and were fighting to find happiness. Kate Winslet was excellent and even though I'm not sure I understand or agree with the ending, it was a good watch.
Afterwards we headed out for Japanese food for dinner (tempura... yum!) and then I chatted with my sweetie. I got home a little after 9 and started another sock for Wes. This was destined to be Sock #2, but the first sock was a little small, so I believe this is going to be number 1 again. Oh well, I'll just have to knit faster!
I also finished a book I was reading: Skinny Dip by Carl Hiassen. This was a crazy read. It wasn't great literature, but it was an excellent page turner. A sort of a murder mystery that spirals faster and faster towards an ending. I don't want to give too much away, but if you're looking for a good read that doesn't require too much thinking, this is definitely it!
That's all for today - it's 1am and I think I need to turn in. See ya on the flip side!
Labels: A Book is a Woman's Best Friend, Knitting Content Ahead, Let's All Go to the Movies
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