Say WHAT?!?!

State bill proposes Christianity be Missouri’s official religion
Missouri legislators in Jefferson City considered a bill that would name Christianity the state's official "majority" religion.
House Concurrent Resolution 13 has is pending in the state legislature.
Many Missouri residents had not heard about the bill until Thursday.
Karen Aroesty of the Anti-defamation league, along with other watch-groups, began a letter writing and email campaign to stop the resolution.
The resolution would recognize "a Christian god," and it would not protect minority religions, but "protect the majority's right to express their religious beliefs.
The resolution also recognizes that, "a greater power exists," and only Christianity receives what the resolution calls, "justified recognition."
State representative David Sater of Cassville in southwestern Missouri, sponsored the resolution, but he has refused to talk about it on camera or over the phone.
KMOV also contacted Gov. Matt Blunt's office to see where he stands on the resolution, but he has yet to respond.
Oh Missouri... you should change your name to Misery. I attended college in St. Louis and though I have some affinity for the state, I can't believe that you're promoting religious persecution. The great thing about America is that we aren't pressured by an "official religion;" we were founded by people who wanted to ESCAPE religious persecution. What in the H-E-Double-Hockey-Sticks are you doing taking us back over 200 years? You're just as bad as those Kansas-support-creationism-ban-evolution guys.
Edited to add: Well this article is actually from March 2006, so I'm sheepishly apologizing for my tardiness in catching this one. However I can't seem to find out what happened to it. Hopefully the bill went the way of the dodo. That is...extinction beyond all resurrection. No pun intended.
ETA: The current status of this bill - "03/30/2006 - Dropped from calendar - Rule 43 (H)," found here thanks to Shari.
Labels: Ranting, Religious Persecution
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