Of love, and food, and knitting, and family.

This has been a wonderful holiday weekend, if not a little short for my tastes. Primarily, I wish I hadn't had to put Wes back on a plane a few hours ago.
So far I have eaten myself silly, seen a few movies (Babel, which was excellent!, and The Mists of Avalon, which was an older movie I seem to have missed, but enjoyed greatly), and cuddled with my sweetheart.
Oh yeah and there was a little bit of knitting.

Tonight I finished a blanket for my nephew for Christmas. I also started on another pair of slippers, a new charity blanket (pinwheel!) and a few other things. Yes I have knitting ADD.
A final thought: this horoscope seems a little fitting, given that at this moment I'm trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up.
Are you fully appreciative of all that you have to offer to the world? It's time to love who you are and what you can do. Once you do, you'll find that your abilities expand even further. Take stock of your gifts.
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