A Modest Proposal.

And I'm not talking about Swift's essay.
Today was election day as I'm sure all Americans know. I have somewhat mixed feelings when I say I didn't vote.
Technically, I tried. I moved in August of this year and I thought when I completed my DMV change of address form and checked "please register me to vote" I would get a ballot. About a week ago I realized that I hadn't seen anything, and didn't know where to go to cast my vote. Research on the matter didn't help much.
But if you're really asking, I just didn't see the point this year. Our Republican Governator won by a landslide and there's nothing my vote was going to do to stop it. I confess I was mostly ignorant of the other races. And I can never figure out what the propositions are REALLY about.
But this isn't really meant to be a discussion about how I'm one of the apathetic Americans. It truly is about an idea.
In an era when we live our lives by our internet access, where we file everything from our tax returns to our financial aid applications (for those of us who are students) to our bills online, it is surprising to me that the powers that be haven't come up with a way to cast an electronic vote.
Yes, I realize we're talking major server power, and complications from different time zones, but we're also talking voter volunteer error and electronic machines that can be opened with hotel minibar keys, so let's not blow our stacks too soon.
Think about it - you could register to vote online. You could receive some sort of electronic signature file that would be unique to you. You could cast your vote at a predetermined date and time. And there would be no counting. We could have real time results as servers calculated the data.
Sure there would be a bit of fraud. Like there isn't now?
Sure there would be some people who couldn't log in to vote. Like equipment doesn't malfunction now?
Sure there would be some people with no internet access. Why not set up "Cybercafe voting"? Or booths for those who still wished to cast a ballot the old fashioned way.
Just THINK ABOUT IT for a bit.
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