Monday, August 21, 2006


The thing I love most after Wes is sleeping in. There is nothing more glorious to me than curling up in bed and sleeping in on a weekend. Especially if it is followed by a structure-free day in which there is much knitting and watching tv and reading.

This weekend was just what the doctor ordered. I had a little housewarming shindig on Friday and then got to sleep most of the weekend. With moving, travelling, finals and school starting tonight I needed a weekend to just stay in my pjs and relax.

It is interesting to note, however, that I've been sleeping horribly for this past week. Apparently, both Wes and I are re-learning to sleep by ourselves and it's resulting in a lot of tossing and turning at night.

Here's to a time where we won't have to get used to sleeping apart.


Blogger Surreal Weasel said...


3:55 PM  

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