Monday, October 03, 2005

Marketing Boo-boos.

When you're a marketing student you learn that you must be exceedingly careful when you publish taglines. You learn about all the little international language mishaps, as well as things you send out that you wish you hadn't.

My age old favorite example is the Chevy Nova. It didn't sell too well in Mexico because Nova, rather than being seen as the star that it is, was see as No-Va or "No go." Now why would you buy a car that doesn't go?

So in that spirit, I give you the email I just received a few moments ago:

From: The Territory Ahead
Date: Today, 4:09pm
Subject: How to Win the Cold War
Tagline: In times of failed clothing diplomacy, shearling is the warmest way to keep the peace.

Now really... who thought that was funny?


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